
Using Our Unique Talents To Deliver Positive Social Impact

We use our unique capabilities to give back to our local and global communities.

All of our consultants use a chunk of their time each year to support our local and global communities by providing pro bono consulting services. So far, projects include providing Career Skills training to thousands of young people as well as a strategic assessment of ways to encourage employers in Singapore to pay low-income workers a living wage.

When our charity embarked on a new research project that required collecting detailed information from the business community, Roberts Group Consultation stepped in to help us with our data-gathering needs and we are ever so thankful for their contribution! Their team was quick in coming up with an action plan and setting the wheels in motion to aid us in understanding the perspectives of SMEs when it comes to “low-wage” positions, attrition, and the kind of policy-related assistance that could be given to these companies to raise the wages they offer. Team members were knowledgeable in designing the kind of data tools that were needed to do such research – we are happy to have had a volunteering partner such as RGC.

Project Manager, Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT)

Empowering Future Leaders

We are proud to deliver Careers Skills training & support to a number of charity partners. With a particular focus on vulnerable young people, such as those who have been in care and those not in education, employment or training (NEETs), we have so far been able to support hundreds of young people.

Our Careers Skills sessions are focused on empowering young people to gain future employment opportunities and ensuring they are equipped to thrive in the digital economy.

Volunteer Days

All our employees are entitled to an amount of volunteer days annually – and the use of these days play a crucial role in their performance evaluation.

Roberts Group Are Proud Sponsors Of:

New Barnet Football Club

Manchester Uni’s Men’s Hockey